# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ MenuBuilder - Create your own menus with your favorite layers copyright : (C) 2015 by Oslandia email : infos@oslandia.com /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ """ import os import re import json from contextlib import contextmanager from collections import defaultdict from functools import wraps, partial import psycopg2 from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QRect, QSortFilterProxyModel from PyQt5.QtWidgets import ( QAction, QMessageBox, QDialog, QMenu, QTreeView, QAbstractItemView, QDockWidget, QWidget, QVBoxLayout, QSizePolicy, QLineEdit, QDialogButtonBox ) from PyQt5.QtGui import ( QIcon, QStandardItem, QStandardItemModel ) from qgis.core import ( QgsProject, QgsBrowserModel, QgsDataSourceUri, QgsSettings, QgsCredentials, QgsVectorLayer, QgsMimeDataUtils, QgsRasterLayer ) from .menu_builder_dialog_base import Ui_Dialog QGIS_MIMETYPE = 'application/x-vnd.qgis.qgis.uri' ICON_MAPPER = { 'postgres': ":/plugins/MenuBuilder/resources/postgis.svg", 'WMS': ":/plugins/MenuBuilder/resources/wms.svg", 'WFS': ":/plugins/MenuBuilder/resources/wfs.svg", 'OWS': ":/plugins/MenuBuilder/resources/ows.svg", 'spatialite': ":/plugins/MenuBuilder/resources/spatialite.svg", 'mssql': ":/plugins/MenuBuilder/resources/mssql.svg", 'gdal': ":/plugins/MenuBuilder/resources/gdal.svg", 'ogr': ":/plugins/MenuBuilder/resources/ogr.svg", } class MenuBuilderDialog(QDialog, Ui_Dialog): def __init__(self, uiparent): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) # reference to caller self.uiparent = uiparent self.combo_profile.lineEdit().setPlaceholderText(self.tr("Profile name")) # add icons self.button_add_menu.setIcon(QIcon(":/plugins/MenuBuilder/resources/plus.svg")) self.button_delete_profile.setIcon(QIcon(":/plugins/MenuBuilder/resources/delete.svg")) # custom qtreeview self.target = CustomQtTreeView(self) self.target.setGeometry(QRect(440, 150, 371, 451)) self.target.setAcceptDrops(True) self.target.setDragEnabled(True) self.target.setDragDropMode(QAbstractItemView.DragDrop) self.target.setObjectName("target") self.target.setDropIndicatorShown(True) self.target.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) self.target.setHeaderHidden(True) sizePolicy = QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(self.target.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()) self.target.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) self.target.setAutoFillBackground(True) self.verticalLayout_2.addWidget(self.target) self.menumodel = MenuTreeModel(self) self.target.setModel(self.menumodel) self.target.setAnimated(True) self.target.setDefaultDropAction(Qt.MoveAction) self.browser = QgsBrowserModel() self.browser.initialize() self.source.setModel(self.browser) self.source.setHeaderHidden(True) self.source.setDragEnabled(True) self.source.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) # add a dock widget self.dock_widget = QDockWidget("Menus") self.dock_widget.resize(400, 300) self.dock_widget.setFloating(True) self.dock_widget.setObjectName(self.tr("Menu Tree")) self.dock_widget_content = QWidget() self.dock_widget.setWidget(self.dock_widget_content) dock_layout = QVBoxLayout() self.dock_widget_content.setLayout(dock_layout) self.dock_view = DockQtTreeView(self.dock_widget_content) self.dock_view.setDragDropMode(QAbstractItemView.DragOnly) self.dock_menu_filter = QLineEdit() self.dock_menu_filter.setPlaceholderText(self.tr("Filter by table description (postgis only)")) dock_layout.addWidget(self.dock_menu_filter) dock_layout.addWidget(self.dock_view) self.dock_view.setHeaderHidden(True) self.dock_view.setDragEnabled(True) self.dock_view.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) self.dock_view.setAnimated(True) self.dock_view.setObjectName("treeView") self.proxy_model = LeafFilterProxyModel(self) self.proxy_model.setFilterRole(Qt.ToolTipRole) self.proxy_model.setFilterCaseSensitivity(Qt.CaseInsensitive) self.profile_list = [] self.table = 'qgis_menubuilder_metadata' self.layer_handler = { 'vector': self.load_vector, 'raster': self.load_raster } # connect signals and handlers self.combo_database.activated.connect(partial(self.set_connection, dbname=None)) self.combo_schema.activated.connect(self.update_profile_list) self.combo_profile.activated.connect(partial(self.update_model_idx, self.menumodel)) self.button_add_menu.released.connect(self.add_menu) self.button_delete_profile.released.connect(self.delete_profile) self.dock_menu_filter.textEdited.connect(self.filter_update) self.dock_view.doubleClicked.connect(self.load_from_index) self.buttonBox.rejected.connect(self.reject) self.buttonBox.accepted.connect(self.accept) self.buttonBox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Apply).clicked.connect(self.apply) def filter_update(self): text = self.dock_menu_filter.displayText() self.proxy_model.setFilterRegExp(text) def show_dock(self, state, profile=None, schema=None): if not state: # just hide widget self.dock_widget.setVisible(state) return # dock must be read only and deepcopy of model is not supported (c++ inside!) self.dock_model = MenuTreeModel(self) if profile: # bypass combobox self.update_model(self.dock_model, schema, profile) else: self.update_model_idx(self.dock_model, self.combo_profile.currentIndex()) self.dock_model.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(["Menus"]) self.dock_view.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers) self.proxy_model.setSourceModel(self.dock_model) self.dock_view.setModel(self.proxy_model) self.dock_widget.setVisible(state) def show_menus(self, state, profile=None, schema=None): if state: self.load_menus(profile=profile, schema=schema) return # remove menus for menu in self.uiparent.menus: self.uiparent.iface.mainWindow().menuBar().removeAction(menu.menuAction()) def add_menu(self): """ Add a menu inside qtreeview """ item = QStandardItem('NewMenu') item.setIcon(QIcon(':/plugins/MenuBuilder/resources/menu.svg')) # select current index selected and insert as a sibling brother = self.target.selectedIndexes() if not brother or not brother[0].parent(): # no selection, add menu at the top level self.menumodel.insertRow(self.menumodel.rowCount(), item) return parent = self.menumodel.itemFromIndex(brother[0].parent()) if not parent: self.menumodel.insertRow(self.menumodel.rowCount(), item) return parent.appendRow(item) def update_database_list(self): """update list of defined postgres connections""" settings = QgsSettings() settings.beginGroup("/PostgreSQL/connections") keys = settings.childGroups() self.combo_database.clear() self.combo_schema.clear() self.menumodel.clear() self.combo_database.addItems(keys) self.combo_database.setCurrentIndex(-1) settings.endGroup() # clear profile list self.combo_profile.clear() self.combo_profile.setCurrentIndex(-1) def set_connection(self, databaseidx, dbname=None): """ Connect to selected postgresql database """ selected = self.combo_database.itemText(databaseidx) or dbname if not selected: return settings = QgsSettings() settings.beginGroup("/PostgreSQL/connections/{}".format(selected)) if not settings.contains("database"): # no entry? QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", "There is no defined database connection") return uri = QgsDataSourceUri() settingsList = ["service", "host", "port", "database", "username", "password"] service, host, port, database, username, password = map( lambda x: settings.value(x, "", type=str), settingsList) useEstimatedMetadata = settings.value("estimatedMetadata", False, type=bool) sslmode = settings.enumValue("sslmode", uri.SslPrefer) settings.endGroup() if service: uri.setConnection(service, database, username, password, sslmode) else: uri.setConnection(host, port, database, username, password, sslmode) uri.setUseEstimatedMetadata(useEstimatedMetadata) # connect to db try: self.connect_to_uri(uri) except self.pg_error_types(): QMessageBox.warning( self, "Plugin MenuBuilder: Message", self.tr("The database containing Menu's configuration is unavailable"), QMessageBox.Ok, ) # connection not available return False # update schema list self.update_schema_list() return True @contextmanager def transaction(self): try: yield self.connection.commit() except self.pg_error_types() as e: self.connection.rollback() raise e def check_connected(func): """ Decorator that checks if a database connection is active before executing function """ @wraps(func) def wrapped(inst, *args, **kwargs): if not getattr(inst, 'connection', False): QMessageBox( QMessageBox.Warning, "Menu Builder", inst.tr("Not connected to any database, please select one"), QMessageBox.Ok, inst ) return if inst.connection.closed: QMessageBox( QMessageBox.Warning, "Menu Builder", inst.tr("Not connected to any database, please select one"), QMessageBox.Ok, inst ) return return func(inst, *args, **kwargs) return wrapped def connect_to_uri(self, uri): self.close_connection() self.host = uri.host() or os.environ.get('PGHOST') self.port = uri.port() or os.environ.get('PGPORT') username = uri.username() or os.environ.get('PGUSER') or os.environ.get('USER') password = uri.password() or os.environ.get('PGPASSWORD') conninfo = uri.connectionInfo() while True: try: self.connection = psycopg2.connect(uri.connectionInfo(), application_name="QGIS:MenuBuilder") break except self.pg_error_types() as e: err = str(e) or "Erreur d'authentification. VĂ©rifiez les informations saisies." ok, username, password = QgsCredentials.instance().get( conninfo, username, password, err) if not ok: raise e if username: uri.setUsername(username) if password: uri.setPassword(password) QgsCredentials.instance().put(conninfo, username, password) self.pgencoding = self.connection.encoding return True def pg_error_types(self): return ( psycopg2.InterfaceError, psycopg2.OperationalError, psycopg2.ProgrammingError ) @check_connected def update_schema_list(self): self.combo_schema.clear() with self.transaction(): cur = self.connection.cursor() cur.execute(""" select nspname from pg_namespace where nspname not ilike 'pg_%' and nspname not in ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') """) schemas = [row[0] for row in cur.fetchall()] self.combo_schema.addItems(schemas) @check_connected def update_profile_list(self, schemaidx): """ update profile list from database """ schema = self.combo_schema.itemText(schemaidx) with self.transaction(): cur = self.connection.cursor() cur.execute(""" select 1 from pg_tables where schemaname = '{0}' and tablename = '{1}' union select 1 from pg_matviews where schemaname = '{0}' and matviewname = '{1}' union select 1 from pg_views where schemaname = '{0}' and viewname = '{1}' """.format(schema, self.table)) tables = cur.fetchone() if not tables: box = QMessageBox( QMessageBox.Warning, "Menu Builder", self.tr("Table '{}.{}' not found in this database, " "would you like to create it now ?") .format(schema, self.table), QMessageBox.Cancel | QMessageBox.Yes, self ) ret = box.exec_() if ret == QMessageBox.Cancel: return False elif ret == QMessageBox.Yes: cur.execute(""" create table {}.{} ( id serial, name varchar, profile varchar, model_index varchar, datasource_uri text ) """.format(schema, self.table)) self.connection.commit() return False cur.execute(""" select distinct(profile) from {}.{} """.format(schema, self.table)) profiles = [row[0] for row in cur.fetchall()] saved_profile = self.combo_profile.currentText() self.combo_profile.clear() self.combo_profile.addItems(profiles) self.combo_profile.setCurrentIndex(self.combo_profile.findText(saved_profile)) @check_connected def delete_profile(self): """ Delete profile currently selected """ idx = self.combo_profile.currentIndex() schema = self.combo_schema.currentText() profile = self.combo_profile.itemText(idx) box = QMessageBox( QMessageBox.Warning, "Menu Builder", self.tr("Delete '{}' profile ?").format(profile), QMessageBox.Cancel | QMessageBox.Yes, self ) ret = box.exec_() if ret == QMessageBox.Cancel: return False elif ret == QMessageBox.Yes: self.combo_profile.removeItem(idx) with self.transaction(): cur = self.connection.cursor() cur.execute(""" delete from {}.{} where profile = '{}' """.format(schema, self.table, profile)) self.menumodel.clear() self.combo_profile.setCurrentIndex(-1) def update_model_idx(self, model, profile_index): """ wrapper that checks combobox """ profile = self.combo_profile.itemText(profile_index) schema = self.combo_schema.currentText() self.update_model(model, schema, profile) def sortby_modelindex(self, rows): return sorted( rows, key=lambda line: '/'.join( ['{:04}'.format(elem[0]) for elem in json.loads(line[2])] )) @check_connected def update_model(self, model, schema, profile): """ Update the model by retrieving the profile given in database """ menudict = {} with self.transaction(): cur = self.connection.cursor() select = """ select name, profile, model_index, datasource_uri from {}.{} where profile = '{}' """.format(schema, self.table, profile) cur.execute(select) rows = cur.fetchall() model.clear() for name, profile, model_index, datasource_uri in self.sortby_modelindex(rows): menu = model.invisibleRootItem() indexes = json.loads(model_index) parent = '' for idx, subname in indexes[:-1]: parent += '{}-{}/'.format(idx, subname) if parent in menudict: # already created entry menu = menudict[parent] continue # create menu item = QStandardItem(subname) uri_struct = QgsMimeDataUtils.Uri(datasource_uri) item.setData(uri_struct) item.setIcon(QIcon(':/plugins/MenuBuilder/resources/menu.svg')) item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled | Qt.ItemIsEditable) item.setWhatsThis("menu") menu.appendRow(item) menudict[parent] = item # set current menu to the new created item menu = item # add leaf (layer item) item = QStandardItem(name) uri_struct = QgsMimeDataUtils.Uri(datasource_uri) # fix layer name instead of table name # usefull when the layer has been renamed in menu uri_struct.name = name if uri_struct.providerKey in ICON_MAPPER: item.setIcon(QIcon(ICON_MAPPER[uri_struct.providerKey])) item.setData(uri_struct) # avoid placing dragged layers on it item.setDropEnabled(False) if uri_struct.providerKey == 'postgres': # set tooltip to postgres comment comment = self.get_table_comment(uri_struct.uri) item.setToolTip(comment) menudict[parent].appendRow(item) @check_connected def save_changes(self, save_to_db=True): """ Save changes in the postgres table """ schema = self.combo_schema.currentText() profile = self.combo_profile.currentText() if not profile: QMessageBox( QMessageBox.Warning, "Menu Builder", self.tr("Profile cannot be empty"), QMessageBox.Ok, self ).exec_() return False if save_to_db: try: with self.transaction(): cur = self.connection.cursor() cur.execute("delete from {}.{} where profile = '{}'".format( schema, self.table, profile)) for item, data in self.target.iteritems(): if not data: continue cur.execute(""" insert into {}.{} (name,profile,model_index,datasource_uri) values (%s, %s, %s, %s) """.format(schema, self.table), ( item[-1][1], profile, json.dumps(item), data.data()) ) except Exception as exc: QMessageBox( QMessageBox.Warning, "Menu Builder", exc.message.decode(self.pgencoding), QMessageBox.Ok, self ).exec_() return False self.save_session( self.combo_database.currentText(), schema, profile, self.activate_dock.isChecked(), self.activate_menubar.isChecked() ) self.update_profile_list(self.combo_schema.currentIndex()) self.show_dock(self.activate_dock.isChecked()) self.show_menus(self.activate_menubar.isChecked()) return True @check_connected def load_menus(self, profile=None, schema=None): """ Load menus in the main windows qgis bar """ if not schema: schema = self.combo_schema.currentText() if not profile: profile = self.combo_profile.currentText() # remove previous menus for menu in self.uiparent.menus: self.uiparent.iface.mainWindow().menuBar().removeAction(menu.menuAction()) with self.transaction(): cur = self.connection.cursor() select = """ select name, profile, model_index, datasource_uri from {}.{} where profile = '{}' """.format(schema, self.table, profile) cur.execute(select) rows = cur.fetchall() # item accessor ex: '0-menu/0-submenu/1-item/' menudict = {} # reference to parent item parent = '' # reference to qgis main menu bar menubar = self.uiparent.iface.mainWindow().menuBar() for name, profile, model_index, datasource_uri in self.sortby_modelindex(rows): uri_struct = QgsMimeDataUtils.Uri(datasource_uri) indexes = json.loads(model_index) # root menu parent = '{}-{}/'.format(indexes[0][0], indexes[0][1]) if parent not in menudict: menu = QMenu(self.uiparent.iface.mainWindow()) self.uiparent.menus.append(menu) menu.setObjectName(indexes[0][1]) menu.setTitle(indexes[0][1]) menubar.insertMenu( self.uiparent.iface.firstRightStandardMenu().menuAction(), menu) menudict[parent] = menu else: # menu already there menu = menudict[parent] for idx, subname in indexes[1:-1]: # intermediate submenus parent += '{}-{}/'.format(idx, subname) if parent not in menudict: submenu = menu.addMenu(subname) submenu.setObjectName(subname) submenu.setTitle(subname) menu = submenu # store it for later use menudict[parent] = menu continue # already treated menu = menudict[parent] # last item = layer layer = QAction(name, self) if uri_struct.providerKey in ICON_MAPPER: layer.setIcon(QIcon(ICON_MAPPER[uri_struct.providerKey])) if uri_struct.providerKey == 'postgres': # set tooltip to postgres comment comment = self.get_table_comment(uri_struct.uri) layer.setStatusTip(comment) layer.setToolTip(comment) layer.setData(uri_struct.uri) layer.setWhatsThis(uri_struct.providerKey) layer.triggered.connect(self.layer_handler[uri_struct.layerType]) menu.addAction(layer) def get_table_comment(self, uri): schema, table = re.match(r'.*table="(.*"\.".*)"', uri) \ .group(1) \ .strip() \ .split('"."') with self.transaction(): cur = self.connection.cursor() select = """ select description from pg_description join pg_class on pg_description.objoid = pg_class.oid join pg_namespace on pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid where relname = '{}' and nspname='{}' """.format(table, schema) cur.execute(select) row = cur.fetchone() if row: return row[0] return '' def load_from_index(self, index): """Load layers from selected item index""" item = self.dock_model.itemFromIndex(self.proxy_model.mapToSource(index)) if item.whatsThis() == 'menu': return if item.data().layerType == 'vector': layer = QgsVectorLayer( item.data().uri, # uri item.text(), # layer name item.data().providerKey # provider name ) elif item.data().layerType == 'raster': layer = QgsRasterLayer( item.data().uri, # uri item.text(), # layer name item.data().providerKey # provider name ) if not layer: return QgsProject.instance().addMapLayer(layer) def load_vector(self): action = self.sender() layer = QgsVectorLayer( action.data(), # uri action.text(), # layer name action.whatsThis() # provider name ) QgsProject.instance().addMapLayer(layer) def load_raster(self): action = self.sender() layer = QgsRasterLayer( action.data(), # uri action.text(), # layer name action.whatsThis() # provider name ) QgsProject.instance().addMapLayer(layer) def accept(self): if self.save_changes(): QDialog.reject(self) self.close_connection() def apply(self): if self.save_changes(save_to_db=False): QDialog.reject(self) self.close_connection() def reject(self): self.close_connection() QDialog.reject(self) def close_connection(self): """close current pg connection if exists""" if getattr(self, 'connection', False): if self.connection.closed: return self.connection.close() def save_session(self, database, schema, profile, dock, menubar): """save current profile for next session""" settings = QgsSettings() settings.setValue("MenuBuilder/database", database) settings.setValue("MenuBuilder/schema", schema) settings.setValue("MenuBuilder/profile", profile) settings.setValue("MenuBuilder/dock", dock) settings.setValue("MenuBuilder/menubar", menubar) def restore_session(self): settings = QgsSettings() database = settings.value("MenuBuilder/database", False) schema = settings.value("MenuBuilder/schema", 'public') profile = settings.value("MenuBuilder/profile", False) dock = settings.value("MenuBuilder/dock", False) menubar = settings.value("MenuBuilder/menubar", False) if not any([database, profile]): return connected = self.set_connection(0, dbname=database) if not connected: # don't try to continue return self.show_dock(bool(dock), profile=profile, schema=schema) if bool(dock): self.uiparent.iface.addDockWidget(Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea, self.dock_widget) self.show_menus(bool(menubar), profile=profile, schema=schema) self.close_connection() class CustomQtTreeView(QTreeView): def dragEnterEvent(self, event): if not event.mimeData(): # don't drag menu entry return False # refuse if it's not a qgis mimetype if event.mimeData().hasFormat(QGIS_MIMETYPE): event.acceptProposedAction() def keyPressEvent(self, event): if event.key() == Qt.Key_Delete: model = self.selectionModel().model() parents = defaultdict(list) for idx in self.selectedIndexes(): parents[idx.parent()].append(idx) for parent, idx_list in parents.items(): for diff, index in enumerate(idx_list): model.removeRow(index.row() - diff, parent) elif event.key() == Qt.Key_Return: pass else: super().keyPressEvent(event) def iteritems(self, level=0): """ Dump model to store in database. Generates each level recursively """ rowcount = self.model().rowCount() for itemidx in range(rowcount): # iterate over parents parent = self.model().itemFromIndex(self.model().index(itemidx, 0)) for item, uri in self.traverse_tree(parent, []): yield item, uri def traverse_tree(self, parent, identifier): """ Iterate over childs, recursively """ identifier.append([parent.row(), parent.text()]) for row in range(parent.rowCount()): child = parent.child(row) if child.hasChildren(): # child is a menu ? for item in self.traverse_tree(child, identifier): yield item identifier.pop() else: # add leaf sibling = list(identifier) sibling.append([child.row(), child.text()]) yield sibling, child.data() class DockQtTreeView(CustomQtTreeView): def keyPressEvent(self, event): """override keyevent to avoid deletion of items in the dock""" pass class MenuTreeModel(QStandardItemModel): def dropMimeData(self, mimedata, action, row, column, parentIndex): """ Handles the dropping of an item onto the model. De-serializes the data and inserts it into the model. """ # decode data using qgis helpers uri_list = QgsMimeDataUtils.decodeUriList(mimedata) if not uri_list: return False # find parent item parent_item = self.itemFromIndex(parentIndex) if not parent_item: return False items = [] for uri in uri_list: item = QStandardItem(uri.name) item.setData(uri) # avoid placing dragged layers on it item.setDropEnabled(False) if uri.providerKey in ICON_MAPPER: item.setIcon(QIcon(ICON_MAPPER[uri.providerKey])) items.append(item) if row == -1: # dropped on a Menu # add as a child at the end parent_item.appendRows(items) else: # add items at the separator shown parent_item.insertRows(row, items) return True def mimeData(self, indexes): """ Used to serialize data """ if not indexes: return 0 items = [self.itemFromIndex(idx) for idx in indexes] if not items: return 0 if not all(it.data() for it in items): return 0 # reencode items mimedata = QgsMimeDataUtils.encodeUriList([item.data() for item in items]) return mimedata def mimeTypes(self): return [QGIS_MIMETYPE] def supportedDropActions(self): return Qt.CopyAction | Qt.MoveAction class LeafFilterProxyModel(QSortFilterProxyModel): """ Class to override the following behaviour: If a parent item doesn't match the filter, none of its children will be shown. This Model matches items which are descendants or ascendants of matching items. """ def filterAcceptsRow(self, row_num, source_parent): """Overriding the parent function""" # Check if the current row matches if self.filter_accepts_row_itself(row_num, source_parent): return True # Traverse up all the way to root and check if any of them match if self.filter_accepts_any_parent(source_parent): return True # Finally, check if any of the children match return self.has_accepted_children(row_num, source_parent) def filter_accepts_row_itself(self, row_num, parent): return super(LeafFilterProxyModel, self).filterAcceptsRow(row_num, parent) def filter_accepts_any_parent(self, parent): """ Traverse to the root node and check if any of the ancestors match the filter """ while parent.isValid(): if self.filter_accepts_row_itself(parent.row(), parent.parent()): return True parent = parent.parent() return False def has_accepted_children(self, row_num, parent): """ Starting from the current node as root, traverse all the descendants and test if any of the children match """ model = self.sourceModel() source_index = model.index(row_num, 0, parent) children_count = model.rowCount(source_index) for i in range(children_count): if self.filterAcceptsRow(i, source_index): return True return False